A moment of clarity

I have previously written about the purpose of this blog, or at least the why of my family history obsession. And at Proustian-length, although Laurence Sterne might be a better reference given the Shandean-like nature of the way I often end up writing about all this (see here), albeit without the literary flourish. It’s just that my recent 3 act series of posts about my Great Uncle Roddy have provided a moment of clarity about all this thanks to Mike Chapman, who not only provided a treasure trove of new information but also make the following observation that was light bulb moment about this project but also more broadly. In short, he pointed out a likeminded approach to this kind of thing and that being about viewing the reaching of a conclusion as an iterative process and how the recording the twists and turns in that journey also being as personally important and interesting as the bottom line. Food for reflective thought.

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